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Friday, April 29, 2011

Hide post date time author in blogger

This blogger hack is really useful for the ones who want to keep their blog clean in fact very clean by removing all the post date, time and name of author. So if you too belong to the same category then this blogger hack is for you.

First thing first, go to 'layout' and then to 'Edit HTML'. Don't forget to check 'Expand widget templates'.

Hide Post date
To hide the post date, find the code below and delete it.

Hide Post time
This blogger hack says, to hide post time find the code below and remove it, NOW!
<span class='post-timestamp'>
<b:if cond='data:top.showTimestamp'>
<b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<a class='timestamp-link' expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark'
title='permanent link'><abbr class='published'

Hide Post author
To hide the name of author, why don't you find code below and delete it.
<span class='post-author vcard'>
<b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>
<span class='fn'><></span>

Congratulations, now your post is time, date and author free.

Source and credit :


  1. instructions would be great, where is it that we would actually look for this code.

    1. Hello,

      Go to 'layout' and then to 'Edit HTML'. Don't forget to check 'Expand widget templates'.

  2. Thank you for this helpful tip! Perhaps you can help customize it a little. I only want to hide the post time from my homepage, but have it still show on full post page. Do you know how to do this?

    1. Hello Adam,

      You can customize using conditional tagging to show hide widgets on blogger homepage / post. Come back tomorrow for a tutorial on how to do it.

  3. Thank you, I look forward to it!

    1. Hello Adam,

      Please check my post:

      Pressed in time, currently the post is made public only for you which is incomplete and requires formatting. The code works on my site I'm using bloggers picture window template. What you need is the post-timestamp section. Hope this helps.

  4. Thanks so much for the help!

    However, it didn't seem to work. Perhaps a look at my blog would make it clearer why this didn't work as well as a suggest a way for a fix?

    1. Hello Adam,

      I checked your site and understood what you need. The solution I posted was for the time stamp, date and author vcard which is shown at the end of the post. I am in a deadline for my official work, I will be able to come out with a solution after 3 days. Please check back on 1 august 2013 IST

    2. Excellent, I look forward to it! Thanks again for your help!

    3. Hello Adam,

      Follow the link : This edit hides the date stamp above the post title on the homepage but shows on the post page. If you do not want it on the post page then all you have to do is delete the code rather than applying the "if condition". Hope this is what you are looking for

  5. Replies
    1. Hello,

      If you are looking for solution same as @Adam please check back on or after 1 august for the hack.

    2. @ Try Us check the above comment hope this helps to fix what you are looking for
