If you would like to prevent that video clip from hiding even while you bring the browser to the foreground, you may download "Always on Top" – a free utility that will "stick" any program window to the foreground of your desktop with a simple keyboard shortcut. Some examples:
Browser running in foreground but QuickTime is always visible
Keep the notepad or calculator handy while using an Excel Spreadsheet
To get started, download the Always On Top utility from Dropbox (<200k) and run it. Then select the window you like to keep on top and press the Ctrl+Space shortcut to stick that window in the front.
You no longer have to worry about arranging windows side-by-side to copy-paste information from one window to another.If you like to disable sticking and restore the default window behavior, just press the same Ctrl+Space shortcut again.
The program is written in Autohotkey with a single line of code:
^SPACE:: Winset, Alwaysontop, , A
Credit and Source: http://www.labnol.org/software/tutorials/keep-window-always-on-top/5213/
Very helpful, thanks!