- Enable ssh from Services page
In your windows or linux machine, under the user home folder
- Create a folder ".ssh" (dot ssh)
- Create a file named "config" inside the .ssh folder
- Contents of config file
Host ddwrt.lan
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
user root
port 2222
- Set the file permission to 600
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config (linux)
- Steps to set the file permission on windows
Right click config file > properties > security> Advanced>Disable inheritance
Right click config file > properties > security> Advanced>remove all from permission entries except your username
Right click config file > properties > security> Advanced> select your username > edit > full control
Apply and close window
- Run command :
ssh -o KexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 root@ddwrt.lan
where root is the user name of router admin, ddwrt.lan is the hostname router, can be replaced with the ip address