SOHO : Small Office Home Office
Freeware - Opensource software tips, tricks, tweaks & fixes for managing, securing, improving the performance of SOHO Desktop, Laptop, Networks

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Regain access to lost dd-wrt webmin

I was playing with the webmin of dd-wrt and lost access to it.
  1. https://router-ip throws up connection error
  2. http://router-ip throws up invalid url

Fortunately I had the ssh port enabled.

To recover the web access, log in to the router and run the below commands.
nvram set remote_management=1
nvram set http_wanport=8080
nvram set httpsd_enable=1
nvram set https_enable=1
nvram set remote_mgt_https=1
nvram commit

I got access and lessons learned
Very important to take backup from the webaccess in the administration section and under backup
  • Direct url:
  • In the above case my router ip is 
Have an secure alternative access to the router ssh or telnet.
If you have an dd-wrt router working well PLEASE do take a backup of the settings.
  • IF there is a backup then life is easy.
  • Perform hard reset and recover from the backup file.
Now I have a backup file and peace of mind.
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