SOHO : Small Office Home Office
Freeware - Opensource software tips, tricks, tweaks & fixes for managing, securing, improving the performance of SOHO Desktop, Laptop, Networks

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Regain access to lost dd-wrt webmin

I was playing with the webmin of dd-wrt and lost access to it.
  1. https://router-ip throws up connection error
  2. http://router-ip throws up invalid url

Fortunately I had the ssh port enabled.

To recover the web access, log in to the router and run the below commands.
nvram set remote_management=1
nvram set http_wanport=8080
nvram set httpsd_enable=1
nvram set https_enable=1
nvram set remote_mgt_https=1
nvram commit

I got access and lessons learned
Very important to take backup from the webaccess in the administration section and under backup
  • Direct url:
  • In the above case my router ip is 
Have an secure alternative access to the router ssh or telnet.
If you have an dd-wrt router working well PLEASE do take a backup of the settings.
  • IF there is a backup then life is easy.
  • Perform hard reset and recover from the backup file.
Now I have a backup file and peace of mind.
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Sunday, February 8, 2015

DNS-O-MATIC - waiting for first update

I have a dns-o-matic account and runnig fine. I had to add a new service and there is this issue

" waiting for the first update" 

To force update just visit the below address
you will be prompted by username and password. Enter the credentials and check the history for update.

By default this should be done automatically on the next dns update by dd-wrt client  but I needed to update it manually and immediately
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