SOHO : Small Office Home Office
Freeware - Opensource software tips, tricks, tweaks & fixes for managing, securing, improving the performance of SOHO Desktop, Laptop, Networks

Sunday, June 26, 2011

opensource cloud management solution

Opensource cloud management solution.

  1. Opennebula
  2. OpenQRM
  3. Isp-CP
  4. Eucalyptus
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

How to display memory, cpu and network usage on the panel in ubuntu 11.04?

Indicator-Sysmonitor is a system-monitor applet for Ubuntu, capable of displaying CPU, RAM and Network usage. After installation and configuring the result is as shown in the image above.

  1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexeftimie/ppa
  2. sudo apt-get update
  3. sudo apt-get install indicator-sysmonitor
  4. sudo apt-get install dstat
  5. Download the code from  wget 

  • Create a folder called "scripts" in home folder 
  • Extract the code " tar -xvf sysmon_0.2.tar.gz "
  • Now open Indicator-Sysmonitor (it should show up as System Monitor Indicator in the menu), then click it on the panel and select "Preferences" and under "Use this command", enter this: "$HOME/scripts/sysmon " as shown in the image
  • Save and restart the application indicator
  • To restart, run this command in terminal " killall indicator-sysmonitor " (without quotes)
By default, the script displays the RAM and network usage. You can also display the CPU usage or any other combination (display the network usage only, display all: the CPU, ram and network, etc.). For this, open the script (run the following command in a terminal): " gedit ~/scripts/sysmon "

And on top of the file you'll see something like this:

What these do is pretty much obvious - change the items you want to be displayed on the panel to true and the rest to false. Feel free to tweak the script to display other stuff if you want.

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

How to enable and disable user accounts in linux?

This will be useful in a situation where you don’t want to permanently remove the user from the system, but just want it disabled so that the user is no longer able to use the system. The user will still receive emails for example, but he will not be able to login and check them out.

The command to "lock (disable) a user account" is
# passwd -l username
With the above command the user account is locked and is available only to root. The locking is performed by rendering the encrypted password into an invalid string by prefixing the encrypted string with an !

The command to "unlock (enable) a user account" is
# passwd -u username
When a user tries to access an locked account, the system will return:
# su - usernameThis account is currently not available.
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

rsync for beginners

rsync -azv --progress --append --exclude=filename1 filename2  -e "ssh [options]" source destination

-a :  The files are transferred in "archive" mode, which ensures that symbolic links,
devices, attributes, permissions, ownerships, recursive etc 

-z : enable compression

-v : verbose

--progress : displays the progress of file transfer. This is useful if the file size is big

--append :  rsync will resume file transfer from a broken pipe.

--exclude : listed files will not be transfered.

-e : Specify the remote shell to use

Example :
rsync -azv --progress --append --exclude=sample.txt -e "ssh -p 22022" /home/user_source/ user_destination@

In the above example all the files and folder from source directory ( /home/user_source/ )  will be transfered in archive mode to the destination folder (/home/user_destination/backup/ ), where the destination computer accepts connection on port 22022. If the connection breaks, running the above command will resume the incomplete file transfer.

Importance of trailing slash

A trailing / on a source name means "copy the contents of this directory". Without a trailing slash it means "copy the directory". 


   rsync -a foo/ bar/

directory bar will end up with a copy of the contents of foo. So a file foo/wibble.txt will end up as bar/wibble.txt. If on the other hand you say:

   rsync -a foo bar/

then you end up with a directory structure 'bar/foo/...', and wibble.txt ends up as bar/foo/wibble.txt

Other than that, the presence or absence of the trailing slash on the *target* directory doesn't make a great deal of difference.  I usually try and work things so that the rsync command line always has trailing slashes on both the source and the destination directories simply for consistencies' sake.

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